News Releases - Click on titles below to open the article
12.26.2024 - A Magically Early Start to Hanukkah - Daily Herald
03.24.23 - Elgin Rabbi Honored for Years of Service.
08.12.22 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Celebrate 130 Years (1)
08.12.22 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Celebrate 130 Years (2)
08.22.22 - 'We need to create meaning': Elgin synagogue marks 130 years of change and diversity.
09.11.2020 - Elgin's Kneseth Israel to host virtual High Holidays
04.09.2020 - Elgin Earth Month: Tu Bishvat - The New year of Trees
04.05.2020 - Priests, ministers, rabbis and other religious leaders go online to connect with faithful, but miss the personal touch
04.05.2020 - Finding new ways to celebrate Easter and Passover the goal in this unusual pandemic year - Chicago Tribune
01.02.2020 - Elgin Synagogue sets a corned beef lunch record
12.02.2019 - Elgin synagogue, church host 'Fargo' crew as fans sneak a peek at the filming
12.10.2018 - Elgin synagogue members help repair Torah scroll, a 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience for many
11.14.2018 - An Elgin home's odd addition, with a roof that opened to the sky, is found to be a Jewish sukkah
11.1.2018 - Jewish Theater of Elgin to put on its first play, 'Rosenstrasse'
10.30.2018 Religious groups hold Elgin vigil in wake of synagogue shooting, decry violent attacks
08.28.2018 - Welcome the Jewish New Year with Congregation Kneseth Israel
08.28.2018 - Congregation Kneseth Israel Begins School!
04.20.2018 - Music adds spirit to Jewish Shabbat service April 20
10.10.2017 - Faith communities spreading 'Live Love, Stop Hate' message in Elgin
10.10.2017 - Volumes from vaunted St. John's Bible on display at Elgin library
07.06.2017 - Elgin Rabbi Aims to Lead by Example
03.10.2017 - 'Superhero Purim' CKI celebrates holiday in honor of Queen Esther
01.14.2017 - Frisch Klein, Wars honored at Elgin MLK breakfast
01.09.2017 -Sing and dance at high-energy, traveling Jewish worship service
09.23.2016 - Selichot article in the Daily Herald
09.13.2016 - CKI annual Selichot Service on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 7 PM
04.03.2016 - Rabbi, husband raise awareness with $9 daily food budget
02.09.2016 - Long Red Line event on February 14, 2016
04.02.2015 - Holocaust Remembrance Day to take place at CKI Sunday, April 19 at 6:30 pm
02.12.2014 - Adult Hebrew Classes Forming at Congregation Kneseth Israel
11.10.2014 - Ckanukah Bazzar at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.01.2014 - High Holy Days Observance Schedule
08.12.2014 - Friday Night Services Resume at Congregation Kneseth Israel with Special Musical Guests
07.21.2014 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and Torah School Registration
07.08.2014 - Not your Parent's Religious School
01.30.3014 - "Partnering with God" Education Series
11.03.2013 - Chanukah Bazaar at Congregation Kneseth Israel
10.24.2013 - CKI Hosts Blood Drive
10.17.2013 - Corned Beef!
09.29.2013 - Spiritual Parenting For Interfaith Families: A Presentation at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.03.2013 - Kane County Religious Leaders Look for Ways to Bring Young to Their Flocks
08.08.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel, in Elgin, Announces High Holy Days Observance Schedule
07.28.2013 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and Torah School Registration
05.27.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Install New Rabbi and Board Members
04.23.2013 - Former Israelis in Suburbs Accustomed to Bomb Risk
03.31.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Host Coffee House
03.31.2013 - Tour the Hidden Treasures of Historic Holy Hill on Sunday, April 28th
03.17.2013 - Holocaust Survivor to Speak at CKI, April 7, 2013
02.28.2013 - Passover Seder 2013
02.07.2013 - Second City alumnus part of anniversary celebration
02.03.2013 - Celebrating 120 Years of Worship - Courier News
02.01.2013 - To One Hundred and Twenty... - Chicago Jewish News
01.14.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel Celebrates Anniversary - Daily Herald
12.27.2012 - CKI Caps Off 120th with Robert Klein and the Maxwell Street Klezmer Quartet.
02.14.2012 - Musical Hanukkah Shabbat Service
11.12.2012 - Hanukkah Bazaar
10.28.2012 - Men's Club to conduct Sabbath Services on November 3
10.14.2012 - Weekly Sabbath Services
09.30.2012 - Celebrate Simchat Torah at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.23.2012 - Sabbath Services at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.12.2012 - New female rabbi in Elgin readies for High Holiday
08.26.2012 - Congregation Announces 120th High Holiday Services
08.23.2012 - Jewish Congregation Welcomes New Rabbi
08.10.2012 - Inaugural Sabbath Services for New Rabbi
08.05.2012 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and School Registration
05.21.2012 - Weekly Sabbath Services at CKI
04.25.2012 - Jewish Festival-Sunday, June 10
02.29.2012 - Kinder Shabbat-March 9, 2012
02.20.2012 - Adult Education Classes
02.01.2012 - Rabbi Search
09.05.2011 - Still Evolving after 120 Years: Congregation Kneseth Israel Approves New Vision for Improved Community Service
03.24.23 - Elgin Rabbi Honored for Years of Service.
08.12.22 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Celebrate 130 Years (1)
08.12.22 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Celebrate 130 Years (2)
08.22.22 - 'We need to create meaning': Elgin synagogue marks 130 years of change and diversity.
09.11.2020 - Elgin's Kneseth Israel to host virtual High Holidays
04.09.2020 - Elgin Earth Month: Tu Bishvat - The New year of Trees
04.05.2020 - Priests, ministers, rabbis and other religious leaders go online to connect with faithful, but miss the personal touch
04.05.2020 - Finding new ways to celebrate Easter and Passover the goal in this unusual pandemic year - Chicago Tribune
01.02.2020 - Elgin Synagogue sets a corned beef lunch record
12.02.2019 - Elgin synagogue, church host 'Fargo' crew as fans sneak a peek at the filming
12.10.2018 - Elgin synagogue members help repair Torah scroll, a 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience for many
11.14.2018 - An Elgin home's odd addition, with a roof that opened to the sky, is found to be a Jewish sukkah
11.1.2018 - Jewish Theater of Elgin to put on its first play, 'Rosenstrasse'
10.30.2018 Religious groups hold Elgin vigil in wake of synagogue shooting, decry violent attacks
08.28.2018 - Welcome the Jewish New Year with Congregation Kneseth Israel
08.28.2018 - Congregation Kneseth Israel Begins School!
04.20.2018 - Music adds spirit to Jewish Shabbat service April 20
10.10.2017 - Faith communities spreading 'Live Love, Stop Hate' message in Elgin
10.10.2017 - Volumes from vaunted St. John's Bible on display at Elgin library
07.06.2017 - Elgin Rabbi Aims to Lead by Example
03.10.2017 - 'Superhero Purim' CKI celebrates holiday in honor of Queen Esther
01.14.2017 - Frisch Klein, Wars honored at Elgin MLK breakfast
01.09.2017 -Sing and dance at high-energy, traveling Jewish worship service
09.23.2016 - Selichot article in the Daily Herald
09.13.2016 - CKI annual Selichot Service on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 7 PM
04.03.2016 - Rabbi, husband raise awareness with $9 daily food budget
02.09.2016 - Long Red Line event on February 14, 2016
04.02.2015 - Holocaust Remembrance Day to take place at CKI Sunday, April 19 at 6:30 pm
02.12.2014 - Adult Hebrew Classes Forming at Congregation Kneseth Israel
11.10.2014 - Ckanukah Bazzar at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.01.2014 - High Holy Days Observance Schedule
08.12.2014 - Friday Night Services Resume at Congregation Kneseth Israel with Special Musical Guests
07.21.2014 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and Torah School Registration
07.08.2014 - Not your Parent's Religious School
01.30.3014 - "Partnering with God" Education Series
11.03.2013 - Chanukah Bazaar at Congregation Kneseth Israel
10.24.2013 - CKI Hosts Blood Drive
10.17.2013 - Corned Beef!
09.29.2013 - Spiritual Parenting For Interfaith Families: A Presentation at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.03.2013 - Kane County Religious Leaders Look for Ways to Bring Young to Their Flocks
08.08.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel, in Elgin, Announces High Holy Days Observance Schedule
07.28.2013 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and Torah School Registration
05.27.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Install New Rabbi and Board Members
04.23.2013 - Former Israelis in Suburbs Accustomed to Bomb Risk
03.31.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel to Host Coffee House
03.31.2013 - Tour the Hidden Treasures of Historic Holy Hill on Sunday, April 28th
03.17.2013 - Holocaust Survivor to Speak at CKI, April 7, 2013
02.28.2013 - Passover Seder 2013
02.07.2013 - Second City alumnus part of anniversary celebration
02.03.2013 - Celebrating 120 Years of Worship - Courier News
02.01.2013 - To One Hundred and Twenty... - Chicago Jewish News
01.14.2013 - Congregation Kneseth Israel Celebrates Anniversary - Daily Herald
12.27.2012 - CKI Caps Off 120th with Robert Klein and the Maxwell Street Klezmer Quartet.
02.14.2012 - Musical Hanukkah Shabbat Service
11.12.2012 - Hanukkah Bazaar
10.28.2012 - Men's Club to conduct Sabbath Services on November 3
10.14.2012 - Weekly Sabbath Services
09.30.2012 - Celebrate Simchat Torah at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.23.2012 - Sabbath Services at Congregation Kneseth Israel
09.12.2012 - New female rabbi in Elgin readies for High Holiday
08.26.2012 - Congregation Announces 120th High Holiday Services
08.23.2012 - Jewish Congregation Welcomes New Rabbi
08.10.2012 - Inaugural Sabbath Services for New Rabbi
08.05.2012 - Annual Synagogue Picnic and School Registration
05.21.2012 - Weekly Sabbath Services at CKI
04.25.2012 - Jewish Festival-Sunday, June 10
02.29.2012 - Kinder Shabbat-March 9, 2012
02.20.2012 - Adult Education Classes
02.01.2012 - Rabbi Search
09.05.2011 - Still Evolving after 120 Years: Congregation Kneseth Israel Approves New Vision for Improved Community Service